Sump Pumps: Preparing Your Home Against Flooding

Installing a New Sump Pump in the Basement

Sump Pumps are Great for Homes That Need a Way to Drain Water Quickly.

The Dallas / Fort Worth area is notorious for flash flooding emergencies. When sudden downpours combine with hilly topography, it makes for the perfect flooding environment. This can lead to thousands of dollars in restoration costs and furniture replacement. That’s why it’s so important to get your home ready with roofing maintenance, landscaping, and (potentially) sump pump installation.

How to Start Your Preparations

Take a few minutes to walk around your home and examine your property. You’ll want to answer a few critical questions:

  • Does the landscaping direct water toward or away from my home?
  • Are my gutters draining water far enough away from the walls?
  • Is my roofing (especially my flashing) ready for a sudden downpour?
  • Do I have a system in place if my basement or garage starts to flood?

If the gradient of the street and lawn naturally direct water towards your house, you’ll need to be prepared to divert water away. You can install drains in the ground to redirect water, and/or you can install a sump pump to pump the water out. 

Does My House Need a Sump Pump?

Not every home requires a sump pump. Houses fixed on hilltops are generally safe from any serious flooding, while homes in valley areas may experience flash floods on a regular basis. Should you regularly have water pushing up against the walls, you’ll need a sump pump.

There are several models available on the market, so you can easily discover a pump that fits your needs. You’ll want a pump that won’t stop running when lightening affects the local power grid. If you do have an electric-powered system, you may want to purchase a backup just in case. Make sure to checkup on your sump pump every year to ensure it’s operating effectively.

Schedule Your Sump Pump Installation Today!

Without taking steps to prepare your home, you could be looking at significant flood restoration costs down the road. If you think your home would be safer with a sump pump installation, you’re welcome to talk with one of our Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. experts at (214) 402-5454!