Yearly Archives: 2018

What Is a Plumbing Inspection?

A Plumber Taking Notes on a Plumbing Inspection.

As Part of a Plumbing Inspection, You Should Expect a Comprehensive Report on Your System.

A plumbing inspection represents one of the most important types of preventative maintenance for your home. Unfortunately, while most homeowners appreciate the necessity of air conditioning or heating maintenance, they frequently overlook the needs of their plumbing. At Tribeca Plumbing, Inc., we always emphasize the importance of regular plumbing inspections. This service can readily identify problems in your plumbing, from the location of water leaks, to the nature of a clog, and much more. For most people, their home represents the single most important investment they will ever make. To maintain the value of this investment, you must take care of your home’s various components.

For example, if your roof sustains hail damage, the value of your home will plummet, and can only recover once you’ve had an inspection and repairs. Your home’s plumbing can also have a huge impact on its overall value, not to mention comfort and security. Most people take their plumbing for granted, after all, as they’ve become inured to its continuous, dependable operation. When a plumbing crisis appears, such as a burst pipe or overflowing drains, it typically occurs as a total surprise. While a swift response can help avert the worst of the damage, it’s possible you might have avoided the issue entirely through regular plumbing inspections. For a plumbing inspection in Dallas, TX, don’t hesitate to give Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. a call. We’re available any time to answer questions or schedule service, so pick up the phone and dial (214) 402-5454 today to set up an appointment.

What Happens During a Plumbing Inspection?

Generally speaking, plumbing inspections determine the location and viability of your piping and other plumbing implements. A professional plumber should also test for reliable water flow, and also the health of your sewer line and drainage of various fixtures. Overall, you should expect a review of the following plumbing elements.

  • Water Distribution: Is water readily available where and when you need it?
  • Interior Piping: This refers to the piping and fixtures inside your home, as opposed to those outside.
  • Hose Bibs: These are the spigots outside your home where you attach water hoses. They can frequently become damaged from freezing temperatures.
  • Vent Pipes: These typically protrude from your roof, and introduce air into your plumbing to ensure proper flow.
  • Sinks: All fixtures are tested for adequate operation and leaks.
  • Bathtubs & Showers: An inspector should fill your bathtub and observe its drainage to determine proper operation.
  • Toilets: These are inspected for leaks, and flushed multiple times to detect any repair needs.
  • Water Heater: A water heater inspection should determine proper functionality, identify any leaks and damage, and involve a flush to remove sediment.
  • Gas Lines: This indispensable component of a plumbing inspection checks the functionality and integrity of your gas lines. If you ever suspect a gas leak, leave your home and immediately call for an inspection and repair.
  • Drains and Sewer Line: As the source of some of the worst possible plumbing crises, your drainage and sewer lines deserve the benefit of a careful review. Before you schedule an inspection, check to ensure that the plumber can perform a camera inspection of your sewer.

When Is a Plumbing Inspection Required?

Plumber Checking a Drain as Part of a Plumbing Inspection.

A Comprehensive Inspection Should Cover All Elements of Your Plumbing.

As a home or business owner unfamiliar with this service, you naturally will wonder why and how to get a plumbing inspection. There are numerous reasons you may need a plumbing inspection. If you suspect a water leak, for example, but cannot identify the source, a plumbing camera inspection will prove invaluable. You may also need a plumbing inspection report if you plan to buy or sell a home, as you’ll need absolute clarity on the condition of this and other home systems.

At Tribeca Plumbing, Inc., we’re the local experts for all plumbing-related needs, including a plumbing inspection in Dallas, TX. Across our many years in this industry, we’ve encountered a few common questions that homeowners share in regards to plumbing inspections.

How Much Is a Plumbing Inspection?

The prices of plumbing inspections vary widely, due to the size of the property, presence of existing problems, or use of specialized equipment like sewer cameras. Generally speaking, a plumbing inspection could cost as little as $100, and as much as $800.

What Is a Rough Plumbing Inspection?

A rough-in plumbing inspection frequently occurs as part of code compliance for a new construction project. Before the elements of a plumbing system get covered with walls, concrete, or dirt, they require an inspection from a licensed plumber to determine that installation was performed correctly.

What Is a Sewer Line Inspection?

A sewer line inspection generally involves the use of specialized video equipment for an internal review of a sewer line. Since sewer lines are located underground, cameras represent the only non-invasive strategy for an inspection. This process begins with the insertion of a sewer video camera into the sewer’s clean out. From there, a plumbing professional will guide the camera through the system with an eye for any leaks, clogs, or other problems.

How Long Does a Sewer Inspection Take?

A quality, comprehensive sewer inspection could take up to four hours. This allows a trained, skilled plumber plenty of time to carefully review your sewer line on a video feed. You never want to rush a sewer inspection, as small issues that escape detection can quickly evolve into full-blown problems.

At Tribeca Plumbing, Inc., we’re your local experts for a plumbing inspection in Dallas, TX. We also specialize in a wide variety of plumbing-related services, from leak and clog repair, to appliance installation, drain cleaning, and faucet and sink replacement, just to name a few. If you have any additional questions about plumbing inspections, or would like to schedule service, don’t hesitate to give us a call today at (214) 402-5454.

Sump Pumps: Preparing Your Home Against Flooding

Installing a New Sump Pump in the Basement

Sump Pumps are Great for Homes That Need a Way to Drain Water Quickly.

The Dallas / Fort Worth area is notorious for flash flooding emergencies. When sudden downpours combine with hilly topography, it makes for the perfect flooding environment. This can lead to thousands of dollars in restoration costs and furniture replacement. That’s why it’s so important to get your home ready with roofing maintenance, landscaping, and (potentially) sump pump installation.

How to Start Your Preparations

Take a few minutes to walk around your home and examine your property. You’ll want to answer a few critical questions:

  • Does the landscaping direct water toward or away from my home?
  • Are my gutters draining water far enough away from the walls?
  • Is my roofing (especially my flashing) ready for a sudden downpour?
  • Do I have a system in place if my basement or garage starts to flood?

If the gradient of the street and lawn naturally direct water towards your house, you’ll need to be prepared to divert water away. You can install drains in the ground to redirect water, and/or you can install a sump pump to pump the water out. 

Does My House Need a Sump Pump?

Not every home requires a sump pump. Houses fixed on hilltops are generally safe from any serious flooding, while homes in valley areas may experience flash floods on a regular basis. Should you regularly have water pushing up against the walls, you’ll need a sump pump.

There are several models available on the market, so you can easily discover a pump that fits your needs. You’ll want a pump that won’t stop running when lightening affects the local power grid. If you do have an electric-powered system, you may want to purchase a backup just in case. Make sure to checkup on your sump pump every year to ensure it’s operating effectively.

Schedule Your Sump Pump Installation Today!

Without taking steps to prepare your home, you could be looking at significant flood restoration costs down the road. If you think your home would be safer with a sump pump installation, you’re welcome to talk with one of our Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. experts at (214) 402-5454!

Why and How Sewer Lines Clog

Sewer lines are 6 inches or wider, so it takes a lot for a main sewer line to clog. Most of the time, clogs are caused by tree roots growing through the piping in search of water. A sewer inspection camera can identify the exact cause of your sewer damage, and if tree roots are the problem, you can get tree removal. When the tree roots push through the piping, this leads to holes where leaks can occur. Wastewater is now blocked from being pushed out to the city’s sewers, creating a build up of septic waste until it backs up into your faucets. For sewer line cleaning, call Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. at 2144025454 to use their sewer inspection camera in DallasDallas, TX.

A Sewer Inspection Camera Can Identify Tree Roots Clogging Sewer Lines

How To Prevent Your Sewer Line From Clogging

  • Replace clay pipes. Clay and lead pipes used to be popular way back in the days, but over time have shown just how useless they really are. Recommended pipes nowadays are copper or PVC due to their durability and longevity.
  • Keep trees and foliage away from sewer lines. You can still have plants on your property, but foliage too close to your sewer and water lines underground and their roots will instinctively grow toward the warm water source.
  • Use enzyme cleaners instead of chemical cleaners. Chemical cleaners only push clogs deeper into your pipes and corrode them, providing water minimum access to drain. Enzyme cleaners are an eco-friendly version that is less harsh on your pipes.
  • Only flush waste and toilet paper down drains. Don’t flush diapers, kitty litter, feminine products, or grease down the toilet or sink. They get stuck in your sewer lines, eventually coming back up and out of your faucets.

Do You Need Water Heater Repair Service? 5 Signs Repairs Are Needed

Our water heaters are one of the most important components of our house. They ensure we get water to drink, clean with, and bathe with all on demand. Since they are so essential, it’s important to get repairs when they are needed. Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners aren’t sure when they need to call for repair service. Below are five signs that indicate water heater repair service is needed.

Water Temperature Varies

Do You Need Water Heater Repair Service? 5 Signs Repairs Are Needed

Learn When You Need To Get Water Heater Repair Service.

Have you experienced fluctuation in water temperatures? This can be super frustrating, especially when you are taking a shower. The temperature shift could be due to a damaged heating element.

Water Tastes Metallic

If you have noticed that the taste of your water is now metallic, this could be because your plumbing pipes are corroding. This can cause the tank of the water heater to become damaged or completely fail.

Water is Rust Colored

Rust color is also a sign that your plumbing pipes are corroded. Again, please call for immediate help when you notice changes in taste or appearance in your water.

Water Heater is Making Noise

If you hear popping or rumbling noises coming from your water heater, this isn’t normal. The noises could be due to the water heater working harder than it should because there are sediments collected at the bottom of the water heater tank.

Water Pressure is Low

Not only can sediments that collect in the tank make your water heater work harder than it should, they can cause low water pressure. This is because the sediments block the pipes so the water pressure is lower.

If you need water heater repair or installation service in Dallas, TX, call Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. today at (214) 402-5454.

Do You Have a Gas Leak?

Gas leaks can be extremely dangerous to your health and if left long enough can even lead to death. If you have gas lines in your home, you need to know the signs of a gas leak so that you don’t ever find yourself in a terrible situation. It is also to protect your animals and your neighbors as well. Below, we will discuss the possible symptoms that you may feel if you do in fact have a gas leak and also what to do in this case.

Signs You Have a Gas Leak

If your home is piped for gas, there are a few safety things that you should know and always be on the lookout for. For your own safety and for those around you, if you suspect that you have a gas leak, call 911 and get out of the home or building right away.

  • Dizzy
  • Smell of rotten eggs
  • Dying plants
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Hearing whistling sounds from gas pipe
  • Nauseousness

If you feel any of these or are noticing the smell of rotten eggs, it may very well be a gas leak. Ifg you know how to turn your gas off, do that right away and then call 911. Once you do this, it is best to leave the home. If you do end up with a gas leak, call Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. at (214) 402-5454 and we can get it fixed for you right away.

Signs You Need Water Line Repair

Water Line Repair

A Leaking Water Line Can Create a Serious Problem for a Homeowner.

Your home’s water line represents one of its truly indispensable components. Your water line connects to municipal water pipes to provide your home with all the fresh water you need for drinking, cleaning, cooking, and bathing. Water line repair needs should get attended to immediately, as they can quickly balloon into a major issue. If you notice any of the following signals for water line repair in Dallas, TX, make sure to call the experts of Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. at (214) 402-5454.

Low Water Pressure

If the flow of water in your home seems less powerful, you could possibly have a water line issue. This becomes much more likely if the low water pressure affects every tap in your home. A leak represents the most common cause of this problem. Main line water leaks should be repaired quickly. If allowed to persist, you water line could burst and create a true crisis.

Higher Bill

Another sign of a water line leak will appear on your monthly bill. If nothing has changed about your usage, but your bill has unexpectedly spiked, then a leak is the most likely culprit. Act quickly for repair, as leaks in your water line can create a serious expense over time.

Darkened Water

If brownish water has begun to flow from your taps, you have a serious problem. A compromised water line can represent one of the main causes of this issue. A water line made from rust or clay may have begun to decay, an issue that calls for re-piping. You may also have a leak, in which dirt has begun to infiltrate your line.

If you need a new water line in Dallas, TX, call the local experts at Tribeca Plumbing, Inc.. We stand ready for your service at (214) 402-5454!

Gas Line Leaks: What To Look Out For

The smell of gas leaking has become a common smell that people know means something isn’t right. We have all smelled the propane from the bbq or when construction on major gas line are happening nearby, but what if we start to smell that inside our home? There are signs and symptoms that you need to look out for if you have a gas line running through your home. It is not always as apparent as you think, so paying attention when you start to have a feeling that something is wrong, is the best way to avoid any danger.


gas line

Chest pain
Trouble breathing

These are all common symptoms that you might experience if you are in a place for a while with leaking gas. Not only can these symptoms be annoying and troublesome, but they are very dangerous to your health. Gas is poisonous to your body and if you breathe it in for too long, you can end up dying from it. The same goes for animals as well. The best thing you can do is turn off your gas if you have a valve that you can find and call 911. The very next thing you need to do is grab everyone that is living in your home, including pets, and get out of the house right away. There is not only dangerous to your health but, if gas catches fire, it can blow your house up.

If you believe you have a gas leak, follow the directions above and then call Tribeca Plumbing, Inc. at (214) 402-5454 immediately following and we will be out to you right away to get the problem resolved.

What Are Tankless Water Heaters?

Every suburban home has some kind of water heater in place. Traditionally, many homes rely on gas water heaters with large tanks. However, newer home are opting for a space-saving and energy efficient option, tankless water heaters. Today we will go over what tankless water heaters are, as well as the benefits you can expect from them.

What is a Tankless Water Heater?

tankless water heater

Tankless Water Heaters Are An Energy Efficient Option.

A tankless water heater is a water heater that operates without a tank full of stored water. Traditional tanks hold gallons of heated water until they are needed, but tankless water heaters heat the water as you use it instead. For this reason, they are generally regarded as more efficient.

Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters


We depend on the water heaters in our houses to supply us with instant hot water, so it can be particularly frustrating when we learn our water heaters aren’t heating like they used to. When it comes time to replace yours, consider a tankless installation. First and foremost, tankless water heater installations remove the risk of gas leaks and carbon monoxide. Additionally, the tankless units are more efficient, since they don’t need to store water and maintain that water at a warm temperature until you need it.

If your water heater is no longer working properly, or if you’d like to learn more about alternative water heater options, give our experts a call today at (214) 402-5454!


Treat Your Garbage Disposal Better

When is the last time you cleaned your garbage disposal? How have you been treating it, lately? We take garbage disposals for granted. Most people know how to treat their garbage disposals, but the devices are so durable that we unwittingly forget that they won’t work for us forever. Suddenly, we’re faced with a broken garbage disposal. That is, unless you start treating yours better.

Start Cleaning and Make Rules About Use

Garbage Disposal Under Sink

Treat Your Garbage Disposal Better

For a better-running disposal, start with a good clean. Use some baking soda and vinegar and let that sit for a few minutes. Then, rinse and run the disposal. This should clear up some residue that can build up over time and stall your disposal. It will also help with any odors. Make doing this a habit two or three times per month.

Then, start being more careful about how you use your disposal. If you know you have a habit of putting things in that you shouldn’t, stop doing that. Limit yourself to only very soft, organic materials. Rinse the disposal with water every time you use it. And, don’t run the disposal for a long period, or in close succession. It needs a break between grinding items.

Poorly-used garbage disposals may struggle or break down. This can also affect your sink plumbing in general. If you’re already struggling with your garbage disposal in Dallas, TX, contact your local plumbers at Tribeca Plumbing, Inc, at (214) 402-5454. Our plumbers have the skills to handle all your potential plumbing issues.